Wednesday, February 29, 2012

BIG Questions

Initially thought of adding comments to these great questions from Refueling the Brain. But realized that the below questions deserved a post on their own. It can reach a wider audience this way.

1.  Is the origin of the pressure the school or the society?

I feel its just an illusion created by school, society and parents. All of them are partners in crime.

2. What makes us think that marks are the indicators of success?
Perception: Good Marks -> Good College -> Good Job -> Lots of Money => SUCCESS :)

3. Is our understanding of success and failure right?
I feel, people will always judge you by the success indicators to the external world. Money, social status, education etc. What's imporant is how we understand ourselves. As  a success or a failure.

4. What is the social status of a person who is intelligent, educated, but not too accomplished and not so rich?
School teachers, social workers and many others who help people in need are held in high esteem. While many of them get their due, I still feel a person's success is mostly judged by his wealth.

 5. Does today's society acknowledge material wealth as success? If so, is it right?
I believe, everyone knows the answer in the bottom of their heart. 

6. Is education in Arts and Commerce inferior to Engineering?

According to me, its just a case of securing one's employment. In India, its easier to get a job for an Engineer. That atleast allows someone to gain a foothold in life. Sad state, but that's the harsh truth.

7. While we all discuss endlessly, are we ready to act?

Its a case of spreading the sense around. I feel one must be bold enough in deciding the best future for their kids and not play it safe.

The above answers were only my take on the BIG questions
Please share your thoughts too. The questions deserve to be answered by all...

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