Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hand la Glass, Glass la......

Most days that I'm back from work I get to spend some time alone. The mind being the entity which never rests, numerous thoughts appear:  The Good, Bad and the Ugly. So many thoughts. It almost becomes impossible to figure out the positive ones from the negative.

When such thoughts occur, there are always two choices, spend time with yourself or socialize. When you socialize, the mind engages itself in other activities, but the questions that have been presented by the mind remains unanswered. The questions don't fade away, but come back another day. 

When you listen to the inner voice, what you want may become clear. Other people may  or may not understand , but most important that  you  understand what you want.

You can listen from none other than yourself about what you want. More often, spending time alone is a great way  to take stock of what's going on in one's own life. It"s the window to reflect on the events of the past, present and the future. The mind gets the time to connect the dots, form patterns and  relationships between seemingly random events that occurred in life.

So the question ultimately boils down to whether you give enough time for yourself. More often than not, it helps :)

Good Night,


  1. Yes.. we need to give some time to ourselves. Spending time with birds, stars.. at the park.. they help develop quality thoughts.

    Para 1 ... Imagine a castle with innumerable gates. It is difficult to police the place. Mind is one such. But you can put a firewall at the point of assembly, and analyse, allow or reject the thoughts before granting access to the 'server'. The good are to be granted access. Of the bad, the analysis reports (lessons) are to be stored for later access.

    Para 2 ... We actually know answers to many questions that spring up in the mind, but don't act on the answers as the actions may require 'a big change'.

    1. many times we are afraid to change. Other times, plain lazy. That's why the change is forced by external factors like a health issue or messed up relations, spiraling career etc. Foresight becomes extremely important.


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